Bold Italian Flavor is the affirmation that the possibility of producing and cultivating food in a sustainable manner is, today, an economically feasible reality. This reality will be explored on a voyage visiting different italian food communities, with special attention being shown to the type of product each community generates, their modes of processing and distributing it, and, finally, their projects for the future. Although the logic of a local enterprise in a global economy based on large numbers and astronomic balances might appear anachronistic, it is the only possible path. These communities and the food they produce represent the avant-garde of a new sustainable agriculture and of a philosophy of food production attentive to organoleptic quality, sustainability and social equity, founded on a complicity and solidarity that transforms seasoned consumers into modern co-producers.

Length: 4×30′
Format: 4:3 PAL SECAM
Edition: Italian subtitle english
Shooting format: Betacam SP
Director: Walter Bencini
Produced by: Insekt Film for Eurochannel 2013